What Constitutes the Ideal IT Student?
Section 5
The IT professionals were asked, based upon their own IT experiences, to take the diagram below and write down which qualities would make up the ideal IT student. They were asked to think about this in the context of their IT expertise/specialization (i.e. web, programming, gaming, etc.)
The Ideal IT Student
(opens in a new window)
The infographic above was created based upon the IT industry professional’s input for the final question. The Center director contributed additional qualities based upon IT sector research. It is the culminating product of this report.
IT faculty can think about these attributes and consider how they might embed them as part of the IT student’s classroom experience. IT students can consider how these attributes and the associated actionable qualities can become a part of the principles that guide them on their journey to their ideal IT career pathway.
Building an IT Career-Ready Washington: 2015 and Beyond
The Ideal IT Student, Maureen A. Majury, M.Ed.
© Center of Excellence for Information and Computing Technology, 2014