IT Futures Summit 2017: Highlights & This Year’s IT Jeopardy Champs
With registrations almost double, the Center of Excellence for Information & Computing Technologies’ IT Futures Summit took place on May 18/19, 2017 at the Mercer Island Community & Event Center. IT faculty from across the state attended for a 1.5 day experience that featured another IT industry professional panel discussing and exploring disruptive technology (focusing on robotics/AI). Small group discussions looked at college’s IT programs, challenges, strengths, and new program and degree developments. Mark Neufville of Spokane Falls Community College presented his current work with the Center’s NAO robot and did a robotic demonstration.
The Center’s director, Maureen Majury, M.Ed., discussed the curriculum development, a robotic/AI survey course, and the work-to-date with the proposed robotic/AI AA/BAS. A special guest was Mr. Albert Lewis, Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development at Bellevue College, who talked about the process of developing a regional IT committee and its work on strengthening relationships between IT programs and area IT and IT-enabled companies.
Finally, on Friday, the popular IT Jeopardy returned with a new set of 50 questions, three daily doubles and a final Jeopardy question (topic: The 1%rs: Wealthy Tech Leaders).
Meet our 2017 IT Jeopardy Champions (left to right):
- Arthur Wanner, Big Bend Community College (opens in a new window) ,Computer Science (opens in a new window)
- Steve Simpson, Tacoma Community College (opens in a new window) , Networking & Cyber Security (opens in a new window)
- Gerald Sampson, Walla Walla Community College (opens in a new window) , Computer Science (opens in a new window)
- Veronica Waterman, Tacoma Community College (opens in a new window) , Networking & Cyber Security (opens in a new window)
- Jeffrey Turner, Clover Park Technical College (opens in a new window) , Computer & Networking & Information Systems Security (opens in a new window)
- Rick Dubois, Spokane Falls Community College (opens in a new window) , Computer Science & Information Systems (opens in a new window)
- Kevin Burkeland, Bellingham Technical College (opens in a new window) , Computer Network Technology (opens in a new window)
- Mike Massey, Bellingham Technical College (opens in a new window) , Computer Network Technology (opens in a new window)
- Michele Royer, Bellevue College (opens in a new window) , Group Facilitator of Winning Team! She also served as scorekeeper for IT Jeopardy.
Mark Neuvfille, Spokane Falls Community College (opens in a new window) , Computer Science & Information Systems (opens in a new window) , was also on the winning team, however, he left right before the game ended. He traveled to Bellevue College to teach a module for the Robotics/AI survey course. The students found out all about the NAO robot.
This team won by $100 in final Jeopardy. Everyone get ready for IT Jeopardy: 2018 as it will be another blowout match-up!
(opens in a new window)
Shout out to Greg Rehm, Bellingham Technical College: The answer to “The communication process between devices and networking which enables these objects to collect/exchange data” is not “Voodoo.” It’s “What is the Internet of Things.”
The following are available to all WA State IT Program CTC faculty from the Summit:
- The IT Jeopardy PPT (opens in a new window) , Question Grid and Final Jeopardy Question (opens in a new window)
- NAO presentation by Mark Neufville of Spokane Falls College (coming soon)
- Disruptive Technology Presentation (opens in a new window) by Maureen Majury, M.Ed., Director for the Center of Excellence for Information & Computing Technology
- Also, don’t forget to listen to the Center’s podcast series, (opens in a new window)
. We now have 11 episodes that explore with our IT industry guests:
- Robotics/Automation
- Hacking/Security
- Entertainment and Technology
- Web Development/Design/UX
- Big Data